Remembering Mother on her 9th Death Anniversary

Dearest Maa It's been nine long years without you, a lifetime to go. I've slowly and steadily kickstarted earning with my own efforts. I remember once when you told me, “With your first salary I will buy myself a beautiful Sador Mekhela” I wish I could buy you one today maa... Nevertheless, to fulfill your wish I promise to gift something to Mahi & Neetu. Maa its your ninth anniversary and you are much more clearer today in my vision, thoughts and prayers. With each passing year I acknowledge your love more and more. I'm sorry Maa for the things that I had failed to learn when you were around, I'm not the same anymore Maa, I've changed. With each passing day, I look for a better person within me. You weren’t only a excellent mother but in addition an incredible instructor. I had learned a lot from you. Since father was mostly engaged with his work, you completely dedicated your time for both me and Neetu. We now try to realize the amount of sacrifice you did fo...