The Blissful State

“Joy always follows on the heels of pain. If a person escapes a mindset that current events represent an ongoing tragedy, they will encounter and comprehend all the beauty that surrounds them. We find bliss by living alertly and unequivocally accepting whatever is occurring in the present moment. If a person realizes that the present moment is all that matters, they will gain an inner stillness and appreciate the beauty and joy of each day.” ― Kilroy J. Oldster

The only requirement for eternal bliss is the desire to attain it. Bliss is an essential part of what we know as spiritual enlightenment—bliss is the state of total peace, contentment, and joy that is experienced when we are one with the Universe, or our chosen Higher Power. It is a state of total transcendence where all the ebbing and flowing of life moves around the blissful individual, never impairing their divine state.

We’ve come to know that enlightenment does not always mean feeling great, but bliss can coexist even with heavier emotions like loss, pain, and melancholy. We often think of emotions as singular experiences, that we can only feel one thing at one point in time, but this is a false mental perception. Our egos limit our perception of emotions, just like how our egos tend to see the world in black and white, good and bad. Because of this, when we experience a “bad” emotion, our ego tells us that no “good” emotion is possible at this point. This is a self-imposed limitation on our feelings.

What happens if we drop this perception entirely? For a moment, let’s all believe that we can feel both “good” and “bad” at the same time.

When we stop to think about this, it becomes a real possibility and we move beyond our egos. Through more reflection, we might also come to realize that we often experience complex emotions that span this binary our minds believe is the only “truth.” We all know what it’s like to cry from joy and how complex that feeling is. We all know how relief and pain can coexist. These are just some of the complexities of our emotional experiences, so who is to say that we cannot experience eternal bliss amongst all of life, and our emotions, have to offer us?

When we hear our inner voice speak the phrase about bliss, we recognize that the only thing holding us back from beginning to manifest a state of eternal bliss is that we were not giving ourselves permission to do so. We didn’t have the intention to live a life complete and filled with bliss, through the natural life hardships we experience. This thought makes us stop for a second and think, “If we give

up needing things to be perfect to feel blissful, then we can be blissful.” we may not always feel “great” as we’d quantify it, but we can certainly feel aligned to the pure essence of being in any and all moments.

The world is a tricky toy. If you can lay your hand on it, soon, it is as good as dust, and if it evades you, then it feels precious like gold. Once you get what you yearn for, its value seems to diminish considerably, but that which is almost unattainable is perceived to be of high value and one long to possess it.

The truth is, that the one who keeps acquiring and hoarding material things will always be disturbed. His thirst can never be quenched. Look at the millionaires and the affluent people. They have amassed so much but somehow there is no satisfaction. They are running for more; it is a rat race they are in.

We are so immersed in worldly acquisitions that wherever we go, we only take unpleasantness with us. There is never any peace around or within us. But the one who has found bliss is always in a state of peace and happiness and he takes pleasantness with him wherever he goes.

So why run after material riches that turn to dust once you acquire them? If at all you have to run after something, then why don’t you run after the Almighty? Whatever you are destined to get, you are bound to get it, and whatever you are supposed to lose, you are bound to lose.


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