Remembering Rishi Kapoor's 10 most iconic roles

The son of actor-director Raj Kapoor, the grandson of actor Prithviraj Kapoor, brother to Randhir Kapoor and Rajiv Kapoor and nephew of paternal uncles, Shashi Kapoor and Shammi Kapoor; and father of actor Ranbir Kapoor— Rishi Kapoor was born into the first family of Indian cinema, with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. Anyone who loved Rishi Kapoor would agree with Karan Johar when he tweeted a tribute after hearing of the actor’s passing away: ‘…He was my hero! The very handsome, the exceptionally charming, the eternally romantic Rishi Kapoor…my childhood was dedicated to watching him sing his songs with abandon, wearing his printed sweaters and dancing in my bedroom…. doing the dafliwalle routine with a dinner plate in front of my school friends…’ A man who was vocal on his Twitter timeline, be it asking for the ‘thekas’ selling liquor to open during lockdown to shutting trolls who tried to take him on for food choices or political matters, he didn’t shy away from sayin...