A Letter to my mother.

Dearest Maa 

The seventh year it is since you left us. But the memories you left behind are still fresh. I was scrolling through all your photographs yesterday and my tears started to roll out. I never shed any tears while remembering you, but I don't know why that happened. Maybe it's because I'm not near my family and you. I miss you Maa. I wish you were here today. Here with me and neetu. I wanted you to see how we both have changed. I know how happy you would be to see how maturely we deal with each other today. And that we don't fight anymore.

The pain of loosing you will never ease. I can't see you, but I'm close at your side. I can feel your presence everyday. I won't mourn for you. I know you wouldn't like it either. All you need is love and prayers. I always remember you in all my prayers. In fact my prayers start with your name. No matter where you are may peace and blessings be always upon up.

With all our love~ Neetu and Shanu  


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