The Eve Teasers from my locality


I used to be very proud of my locality. I often portrayed it as a rape-free zone or eve a teasing-free area of my state, in front of my friends who aren't from here. But not anymore. I'm deeply ashamed and disgusted after a harrowing incident I went through yesterday. I can only urge all my sisters, friends, and loved ones to be aware of such filthy eve teasers who roam around the streets at night. So, whenever you are out at night take proper measures to tackle such rascals.

The incident that I got to witness was something I never expected to happen, at least not here.

So, after attending one of my friend's wedding ceremonies I decided to accompany myself with three of my female friends, whose houses were not too far away from the wedding venue. Since the girls were alone, I felt it necessary on my part to at least drop them off safely. The three girls were on foot and I was just footsteps ahead of them on my bike riding as slow as I could.

After walking a distance of about 800 meters, right from the front we came across a bunch of drunken rogues who, along with their bikes and harsh riding started passing unwanted and unnecessary sexual remarks towards the girls. At that time, I was on my bike a few steps ahead. When I noticed something was wrong behind me, I stopped my vehicle, and when my friends approached me I just plainly asked my friends to keep moving and ignore the creeps. As we proceeded further thinking it was over, the mischievous scamps didn't stop there. In fact, they started following us. Their flow of derogatory comments along with their terrible behavior towards my friends was still going on.

I was startled to see these kinds of shameful deeds happening in my locality. Regarding my stand, I was honestly a bit frightened because I felt helpless and alone at that time. I did my best what I could do by calming myself and other friends of mine and just focusing on our walk home. I just asked my friends to move on quietly saying, ' During the night time street dogs often bark, and barking dogs seldom bite'. One friend of mine was angered to the extent that she almost took out her shoes to throw at them. But, I asked her humbly not to because the eve teasers were all completely drunk and out of their minds. And, barking dogs should be given the least importance otherwise they take the opportunity even when they're shooed.

This very incident made me realize one important thing eve teasing is where it starts. If we ignore it, it can lead to further more serious offenses. And offense in its literal terms is an offense and cannot be dismissed on intensity, impact, gender, or any such grounds. It's a form of violence and we should not let people get away with it. The golden lesson to teach all is it's a NO first and all times. We must not take eve teasing, and sexual harassment lightly. There is no room for forgiving even a first-time episode.

All the males who support this trend should take a stand and be the change. Stop eve-teasing or cat-calling when you see it starting today! When you do it a few times it becomes a habit/ trend. And trends are contagious!



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