Covid-19: Do's and don'ts during the Corona virus lock down

As India goes into lock down to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become more important than ever to make sure the public gets accurate information. The world has not seen a health crisis of such proportions in a long time. Here are the answers to the questions asked frequently regarding the lock down. Cashier/teller operations of banks (including ATMs) will be open. However, individuals need a self-declaration to venture out. Chemist shops and pharmacies will be open. Most states have a ban on public transport, including taxis. Some states might allow taxis to go to hospitals. Yes, but it is advisable to stick to essential services. They may be questioned at check. Any congregation of more than five people is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. E-commerce of all essential goods including food, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, food items, groceries, milk plants, general provision stores, take away/home delivery...